Thomas Di Pauli also notched a shorthanded goal for the Penguins, but their new Atlantic Division foe, the Charlotte Checkers, had two shorties of its own in store to counter. Charlotte used its special teams attack consisting of one power play goal and two shorthanded goals to defeat Wilkes Barre/Scranton on its home opener.Daniel Sprong and Zach Aston Reese headline the 24 man roster that the Pittsburgh Penguins will send to participate in the 2017 Prospects Challenge held at the HarborCenter in Buffalo, New York from September 8 11.This year, the Penguins will compete against rookies from the host Buffalo Sabres, the New Jersey Devils and the Boston Bruins. This is Pittsburgh’s first year competing in Buffalo after several years participating in a rookie tournament in London, Ontario.The Pittsburgh Penguins re signed three players who played key roles in the Wilkes Barre/Scranton Penguins finishing with the American Hockey League’s best regular season record in 2016 17, it was announced today by executive vice president and general manager Jim Rutherford.Forward Tom Sestito and defenseman Frank Corrado both signed one year, two way contracts.
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